Because music is so influential everywhere in the world, it deserves two sections. African music contributed not only to their society but also to all societies, medieval and modern, around the world. In African society music had many purposes. Music was used for many things such as ceremonies, silent barter, and entertainment. In silent barter, for example, music was used to signify the North African traders finished leaving their offer of salt for the Wangarians. In return, the Wanagarians left an offer of gold and beat their drums when finished. In this way, the music replaced any spoken communication between traders. Drums are loud and useful in communicating messages over distances. Drums were also used as the main beat in African music. This music is a contribution to our modern society because African slaves brought over their music to America. This music has evolved into many different genres of music including blues, rap, and soul. Most American music originates from African music. If African music was did not exist what would happen to most of our styles of music?
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Because music is so influential everywhere in the world, it deserves two sections. African music contributed not only to their society but also to all societies, medieval and modern, around the world. In African society music had many purposes. Music was used for many things such as ceremonies, silent barter, and entertainment. In silent barter, for example, music was used to signify the North African traders finished leaving their offer of salt for the Wangarians. In return, the Wanagarians left an offer of gold and beat their drums when finished. In this way, the music replaced any spoken communication between traders. Drums are loud and useful in communicating messages over distances. Drums were also used as the main beat in African music. This music is a contribution to our modern society because African slaves brought over their music to America. This music has evolved into many different genres of music including blues, rap, and soul. Most American music originates from African music. If African music was did not exist what would happen to most of our styles of music?
African Women
Women were very important in African society. They were guarded and treasured.
African women were looked upon with knowledge and respect. In fact, the earth and other life giving organisms such as plants, were looked upon with a feminine slant. Africans believed in a Mother Earth. Mother Earth was considered a force of all life on Earth. They believed that She controlled the growth and death of things on the Earth. Unlike the women in other medieval countries, African woman were considered capable of doing hard work outside the home. An example of this is with farming. Earlier on in the African medieval era farming was a job both women and men had. It was a hard job in the hot sun. With the adaptation of iron tools, farming became more efficient, so less people had to farm and more time could be spent on other tasks. When this happened some women left farming and did other jobs. One job women did was weaving. African women wove amazing designs that were called kente cloth. These intricate designs took a lot of time to make and required skills in math.
Similar to women in modern American society, women in medieval Africa valued beauty and had strong moral values. However, the concept of beauty and the types of values were very different for a medieval African woman. Beauty was important to Africans, however, unlike American beauty that values thinness, African women who were heavy were considered most attractive. In fact, some times before a woman got married they would spent time in a fattening hut. Although African women valued beauty, it was not as important as moral values. Important values to an African were strength and purity. For example, when a man wanted to marry someone his parents would do extensive research and find out about that woman’s background. The parents would make sure she was not lazy and was physically strong. The groom’s parents would investigate her record and make sure she hadn’t stolen, lied, disobeyed, or otherwise undermined her own integrity. They would also make sure the bride’s mom did not possess any of those qualities because they thought a daughter would turn out like her mom and maybe she would possess these traits later on. If the bride or her mom possessed any negative qualities, the girl was not eligible to be married. Once a woman was married her responsibilities were to work and have children.
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Oral History
Stories were an important part of West African society. Stories were told by older family members and griots. Stories could either be a folktale, proverb (lesson or wise saying), or tale about village leaders. It was vey important for stories to be told in West Africa, so that the younger generations could learn about their history or learn wisdom.
Music was another important thing for Africans. Songs were made up to transmit knowledge about adult responsibilities, honor the dead, or make babies fall asleep. Dance went along with music. Dancers perform at many African ceremonies.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
____________Trans-Saharan Trade_________________
Many people in Africa traded. Two main goods were traded across the Sahara Desert, gold and salt. To a West African salt was as valuable as gold. However gold in West Africa was plentiful. However, vice versa, gold was very valuable to a person north of the Sahara, whilst salt was plentiful. Many people wonder why salt was so valuable to West Africans: it adds flavor to foods; can be used in preserving foods; and it is also an essential mineral. The trading of gold and salt took place in Ghana and was brokered by the king of Ghana. The ruler of Ghana became very wealthy with this arrangement. He charged a tax on all goods traded. He also made it against the law to own gold nuggets. One of his gold nuggets was rumored to weigh in at thirty pounds.
____________General Facts___________________________
*Ghana's sucess was helped by a good start, when Africans learned to work with metal
*Ghana was the first of three major kingdoms in medeival West Africa
*War and loss of natural resources led to the decline of Ghana
*The next ruling kingdom was Mali